Expected Student Learning Outcomes

Expected Student Learning Outcomes

Expected Student Learning Outcomes
for the accelerated Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) program

  1. Synthesize knowledge from nursing, previous learning, and life experiences as a basis for professional nursing practice.

  2. Provide, coordinate, and manage person-centered care for individuals, families, populations, and communities across the four spheres of care.

  3. Communicate, collaborate, and apply leadership skills to participate in and lead interprofessional health care teams to improve health outcomes.

  4. Critically appraise evidence-based studies for application to practice with diverse populations within different healthcare practice settings.

  5. Use quality improvement strategies to inform clinical practice, promote change, and improve quality of care for individuals, families, and populations.

  6. Contribute to a culture of safety and support the development of strategies designed to mitigate unsafe environments.

  7. Coordinate resources and generate innovative solutions within complex systems of health care to ensure safe, quality, equitable care that influences health outcomes.

  8. Use information, communication technologies, and informatics tools to advocate for equitable access and assist patients and consumers to use these tools to engage in care and improve health.

  9. Express one's identity as a nurse through actions that reflect integrity; a commitment to evidence-based practice, caring, advocacy, and service for diverse patients, families, and populations.

  10. Display actions aligned with a capacity to engage in self-reflection and leadership, continued lifelong learning through a spirit of discovery, and ongoing commitment to personal well-being.